Document 1943 DOCN M94A1943 TI Antidiscriminatory appeal for protection. DT 9412 AU Anselmino V; Perez P; Barberis D SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):416 (abstract no. PD0271). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370632 AB Quick and effective action in deffence of Human Rights, against discriminative acts. OBJECTIVES: To people with HIV/AIDS. Having rights and duties in the law order. Discrimination as a negative behaviour and as an obstacle to the full excersise of the own rights. METHODS: To include this kind of appeal for deffence in the National Constitucion. Appeal regulation for human rights against discriminative acts regulation, from public authorities and from privates. Preceedings in very short time, shift court to receive and recognise claims. Information campaign to spread the rights and the work done inside the community, through workshops, conferences, debates, booklets, together with NGO's and qualified professional colleges. Squilled and special legal counsel. Non forced lawyer sponsorship when presenting a claim. RESULTS: Shorter judicial proceedings, immediate knowledge of facts by the judge, remaining of the evidences giving an effective legal action against discrimination. CONCLUSIONS: Eassier approach to the judge, and spread of the legal rights of positive people. Socialised legal procedures. Social sensitiveness in AIDS problems, discrimination. Professionals beind interested on human rights or in their transgressions. More social sensation of legal protection. DE *Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Human Human Rights/*LEGISLATION & JURISPRUD *HIV *HIV Seropositivity *Prejudice MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).